Top Feeling of the flowers
by PrettyJu

PSP 9 Tutorial, animated in AnimationShop




Filtre Xenofex 2 / constellation



Woman Tube by K@rineDream used with permission (thanks K@rine !).
The background, the flower tube and the wordart I have designed specially for this tutorial.

Is strictly prohibited to redistribute my material




Open the material, duplicate the originals. Close the originals.

- 1 -

On your copy of the "prettyju_fond_tutofeelingofflowers.jpg", picture layers - duplicate.
Put the copy layer recovery mode to "multiply".

- 2 -

Take the copy of "prettyju_fleur_tutofeelingofflowers.png" and Edit - copy, Edit - Paste as a new layer on your tag.
Put the recovery of the layer mode "overlay". Place the flower as in the example.

- 3 -

Take the copy of "dreams _Beautiful_Face596_Juin09 karine_" . Resize to 550 px height, lock aspect ratio.
Then, Edit - Copy, Edit - Paste as a new layer on your tag. Place as on the example.

- 4 -

Take the selection tool / freehand selection / feather 0 / antialiasing
Remove a part of the hair to make the demarcation less rough:

Make a drop shadow (1, 1, 76, 23, color # 700202).


- 5 -

Take the copy of "prettyju_wordart_tutofeelingofflowers.png" and
Edit - copy, Edit - Paste as a new layer on your tag. Place as on the example.

Make a drop shadow (1, 1, 76, 8, color # 700202).


- 6 -

Take the copy of "prettyju_fleur_tutofeelingofflowers.png" and resize 50 % (take proportions) and
Edit - copy, Edit - Paste as a new layer on your tag. Place the flower as the example.


- 7 -

Add a layer, add your watermark.

Image / caneva size:


Add a new raster layer, flood fill with black and down the layer at the bottom of the stack.


- 8 -

Active the layer of the biggest two flowers.

Filter Xenofex 2 / constellation:

Make a drop shadow (1, 1, 76, 34, color # 700202).

Edit - copy with fusion. Go paste in animation shop as new animation.


- 9 -

Return in PSP and cancel the last 2 operations to remove shadow and the stars.

Filter Xenofex 2 / constellation, same settings that in step 8, but click once "random Seed".

Make a drop shadow (1, 1, 76, 34, color # 700202).

Edit - copy with fusion. Go paste in animation shop after the active picture.


- 10 -

Return in PSP and cancel the last 2 operations to remove shadow and the stars.

Filter Xenofex 2 / constellation, same settings that in step 8, but click once "random Seed".

Make a drop shadow (1, 1, 76, 34, color # 700202).

Edit - copy with fusion. Go paste in animation shop after the active picture. 


That's it! Optimize and save your animation.

tube: Karine Dream

I hope that you had fun!

Pretty xxxxxx

Your results











Ce tutoriel est une idée originale de PrettyJu© depuis 2002.
Tous droits réservés-reproduction interdite